Costco Folios Cheese Wraps Review

Low carb, gluten free and full of protein!

Please note that this review was not paid for or sponsored by any third party. The opinions in this review are strictly my own. I am not affiliated with Costco or any of its suppliers. I am just a fan of the company. I write these reviews to help my fellow shoppers.

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Today I’m reviewing the Folios Parmesan Cheese Wraps from Costco. I’ve seen these Folios wraps a lot on social media prior to actually seeing them at my local Costco and it seemed like they were quite popular. I found these in the refrigerated dip section at Costco and the item number is 1295185.

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Alright so these are essentially like a wrap shape and sized piece of parmesan cheese. That’s it, they’re just pieces of parmesan cheese made into the same shape and size as a wrap! They’re thin but thick enough where you can easily fill the parmesan with meats or vegetables and turn it into a wrap. They taste like…parmesan cheese. Which I personally think is delicious. I highly recommend crisping these up in the microwave which is what I did for the photo below! It was so easy and tasted amazing, even Sean liked it although he commented he wasn’t a fan of the smell it produced while being microwaved. I absolutely love the flavor or crispy/burnt cheese, it’s like when you make a grilled cheese sandwich and the cheese melts out onto the pan and you get the nice crispy cheese. Another way to use these is to make a grilled cheese sandwich or cover some asparagus or broccoli with a wrap and let it melt on.

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I paid $12.99 Canadian for the 10 wraps. Definitely more expensive than buying a small brick of parmesan cheese but not absurdly overpriced, you’re basically paying for the marketing and the fact the cheese is the size of a wrap.


There’s numerous ways you can enjoy these, you could crisp them up like I did and sprinkle them on salad, use them as a wrap and put meat and vegetables or just vegetables inside, melt them on broccoli or asparagus. The best before date is about two months from the date we purchased the Folios. They come in a resealable package and each wrap is separated by a piece of parchment paper.

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One wrap (or slice of parmesan cheese) is 130 calories, seven grams of fat, one gram of carbohydrates, one gram of fibre, zero grams of sugar, 13 grams of protein and 220 mg of sodium. The ingredients list is very short and straight forward.

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I really enjoyed these Folio Parmesan Cheese Wraps because in general, I love cheese! These tasted wonderful crisped up. If I were on keto or following a really low carb diet these would seem like a treat. Unfortunately they do have dairy so if you can’t eat cheese these aren’t for you.

Taste: 8/10

Cost: 6/10

Convenience: 10/10

Nutrition: 9/10

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17 thoughts on “Costco Folios Cheese Wraps Review”

    • That’s the problem. Costco usually sale excellent products and suddenly disappear. I am buy on line now three packages for $29.99, and there are stores like Target, Publix (delivery)and some Walmarts. That have it

  1. Costco on Knoxville Tn had the Folio cheese wraps once, went back to get more and thought they may have moved them, then was told they don’t carry them anymore. That is the downside of shopping at Costco. Once you find something you like they discontinue it. Nearby Target, Kroger’s, and Publix have them according to their web site.

  2. My family & I love these! Have made them into taco shape as instructed on pkg. Very difficult to find in stores unfortunately & I’ve just learned our Victoria BC Costco may not bring more in after the last shipment depletes ☹️😔 Disappointed because helps with our Keto way of eating!

    • That’s the problem. Costco usually sale excellent products and suddenly disappear. I am buy on line now three packages for $29.99, and there are stores like Target, Publix (delivery)and some Walmarts. That have it. Target, Instacart (delivery), Publix (delivery), some Walmarts.

  3. pretty poor product
    yuck in a patty form – shape like a . . . ? . . .
    its not 0 carbs
    its not good tasting
    it has a taste – an aftertaste leaving that “meh” {what is that?} hmm

    I have used actual cheese slices that were good for a sandwich
    but like these folio things – they feel greasy and crack/split fall apart . they can be used to replace bread or a wrap, but do not expect much as it is a cheese product, but its only partial cheese

    • Hi, I just bought them in the States and can’t find them in Ontario at all. Such a shame because they are wonderful and there are no copy cats on the market. Too bad President’s choice doesn’t have one as it would be a great product for them to introduce. You might want to try Outer Aisle cauliflower wraps. There are minis and gull size. I pop them in toaster or airfryer. Eat soft or crispy. Dip in sour cream. Put arugula, cherry tomato and feta on top with balsamic glaze. They are a bit salty, but one mini on the side at dinner is a nice change sometimes. I follow Gina Livy method and her program is excellent! She is Canadian.

  4. I tried the wraps with salami and a cucumber slice. I did not like it. The Parmesan taste and smell was too strong for me. I loved it baked with asparagus. I will have to try it crisped up. How long did you put it on the microwave for?


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