Costco Inno Foods Organic Grain Free Granola Review

Gluten-free, low carb, low sugar granola!

Please note that this review was not paid for or sponsored by any third party. I purchased this product with my own money and the opinions in this review are strictly my own. I am not affiliated with Costco or any of its suppliers. I am just a fan of the company. I write these reviews to help my fellow shoppers.

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I found a delicious granola at Costco that I want to share with you today!

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The Costco Inno Foods Grain Free Granola is new at my local Costco and is full of delicious ingredients such as almonds, coconut flakes, maple syrup, cranberry, vanilla and cinnamon. The super seeds are pumpkin and sunflower seeds. The interesting thing I found about this granola is that I totally get hints of an earthy taste when I eat it! It’s not bad at all, just interesting. This granola is super crunchy, slightly sweet with very noticeable cinnamon and vanilla flavoring. There are large flakes of unsweetened coconut throughout the granola, so if you like coconut you’ll like this! This granola tastes amazing on its own or with yogurt and fruit. The thing I like most about the taste of this granola is the different variety of flavors that all compliment each other. When I eat it just plain each bite tastes a little bit different. Some of the flavors do get slightly masked when you combine the granola with fruit or flavored yogurt.

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This isn’t cheap granola, the 600 gram bag cost $14.99 Canadian (not on sale). The ingredients in the granola definitely aren’t cheap to start with and because it’s marketed as an organic and gluten-free product I feel that’s why the price is slightly higher.


I’m currently eating this granola daily. I bring a little container to work and either snack on it plain or add it to fruit and yogurt. Granola makes a convenient snack or breakfast item. The bag is re-sealable which makes it easier to keep the granola fresh.

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A ¾ cup serving of this granola has the same amount of calories and fat as some donuts do (actually). This is no low calorie, low-fat option. In a ¾ cup serving there is 280 calories, 23 grams of fat, 11 grams of sugar and eight grams of sugar. However, this is a low carbohydrate option! In a ¾ cup serving there is only 18 grams of carbohydrates. The ingredients list is full of lots of natural ingredients but does include cane sugar.

I’m really enjoying this granola and will definitely finish off the bag. I’m not allergic or adverse to grains so will probably go back to buying a cheaper granola with grains such as the Kirkland Signature Granola.

Taste: 9/10

Cost: 6/10

Convenience: 10/10

Nutrition: 6/10

What ingredients would be in your dream granola!?

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3 thoughts on “Costco Inno Foods Organic Grain Free Granola Review”

    • Hi Yvonne unfortunately that seems to be the way Costco does things! There one minute, gone the next. Hopefully it’s back soon! You may want to try the Keto granola it’s quite similar.

  1. Just wondering why we can’t find this granol in Costco anymore? Where else would we be able to buy this product. I find that it’s the best granola ever.


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