Costco Paleo Bites by Universal Bakery Review

Pretty similar to Aussie Bites!

Please note that this review was not paid for or sponsored by any third party. I purchased this product with my own money and the opinions in this review are strictly my own. I am not affiliated with Costco or any of its suppliers. I am just a fan of the company. I write these reviews to help my fellow shoppers.

I’ve already reviewed the Costco Aussie Bites here and last time I was at Costco I saw this product that resembles the Aussie Bites, just a tad smaller. Today I’m reviewing the Costco Paleo Bites by Universal Bakery.

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First of all, I prefer the Aussie Bites and so does Sean. These are okay but they’re nothing special. They’re a little bit dry and don’t have a ton of flavor. I also found they weren’t that satisfying. They taste similar to Aussie Bites, just not quite as good. These Paleo Bites are basically almonds, coconut chips, chia seeds and pumpkin seeds with some honey and cinnamon to add a touch of flavor. If you’re looking for a tasty enough, healthy paleo snack then these would meet your needs, if you’re looking for a flavorful, soft, moist healthy breakfast item you might want to consider other options.

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The Universal Bakery Paleo Bites cost $12.99 Canadian for a 680 gram tub. I think these are a little expensive for what you get but they’re organic, grain-free and have the word “paleo” on them so that’s why they’re on the pricier side.

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These freeze well and the plastic round resealable tub makes it easy to freeze them and just take a few out when you want to enjoy them. The best before date is also about three months from the date I purchased them.

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Four bites is 180 calories, 14 grams of fat, 11 grams of carbohydrates, three grams of fibre, seven grams of sugar and four grams of protein. Only 35 mg of sodium. To be completely honest, four of the Paleo Bites is not that filling! For almost the same amount of calories and less fat I’d probably prefer half a bagel but that’s just me. All the ingredients are “clean” and organic so if that’s your focus you’d probably be quite impressed by the nutrition and ingredients list.

I won’t be buying these again, four doesn’t fill me up and leaves me feeling unsatisfied but maybe that’s just me! I put the container in my parents’ freezer because we didn’t have room and my dad phoned to tell me he didn’t like the “cookies from Costco in the freezer” he was having for “dessert”, haha.

Taste: 6/10

Cost: 5/10

Convenience: 10/10

Nutrition: 7.5/10

Are you trying to eat more raw/clean ingredients? Would you try these? Why or why not?

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3 thoughts on “Costco Paleo Bites by Universal Bakery Review”

  1. I love them! The price is phenomenal $10 @ Costco for 1.5 lb Paleo snack! You can’t beat Costco. Amazon $32 & Betterluck $47 You might like Aussi Bites better but these have no grains. I leave them on the counter, crush 3 up in my yogurt every morning and snack on them throughout the day. BTW they’re sweeten with honey.

  2. Just found this site today – definitely going to read the rest of your reviews. I ripped the label off these when we got them so I was searching for the ingredients list. Thanks for posting! I wanted to let you know that we’ve had these for a couple weeks now sitting on the counter & I munch on a couple as I’m passing through instead of other temptations lol… They have gotten a LOT softer than when they started (and we live in the desert so that’s saying something!) I don’t know that I’d buy another container as it’s pretty big & I seem to be the only one in my house to like them, but they are serving their purpose.

  3. I’m going to try leaving mine out to soften them! I’ve been keeping mine in the freezer. I’m the only one eating them in my house too! Haha but they’re a healthier option than a handful of chips.


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