Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread Review

Sourdough bread from Costco that’s tangy, tasty and really reasonably priced!

Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread loaf in bag
Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread

Today I’m doing a quick review for the Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough bread we picked up during a recent trip to Costco. I’m reviewing this because we really enjoy this bread and the price at Costco is awesome for two large loaves.

Other bread I’ve reviewed from Costco includes the Carbonaut Low Carb Keto Bread and the Little Northern Bakehouse Seeds & Grains Gluten-Free Bread. I’m currently really loving the Costco Kirkland Signature Cheese Buns and we always but the Costco Kirkland Signature Italian Ciabatta Buns.

Location in Store

You can find this bread in the bakery section near all the other bread. The item number is 1470428.

Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread description of bread on bag
Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread


Yummy! I really enjoy this sourdough bread from Costco. If you’ve never had sourdough bread before it has a signature slightly sour flavor. This Vero Vero bread from Costco isn’t too tangy and also has a bit of a rye flavor.

Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread closeup of a toasted slice with a bite taken out of it
Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread

If you’re curious what makes sourdough bread kind of sour toasting, it’s the acids in the starter that’s used to make the bread.

Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread slice of sourdough bread on a plate without being toasted
Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread

The bread is soft, thick and chewy and has an airy texture. It resembles white bread but has that amazing tangy sourdough flavor. It toasts up beautifully, becoming golden brown and crisp in about two minutes in the toaster.

Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread - two slices of toasted and buttered sourdough on a plate
Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread


For two 670 game loaves of bread I paid $6.99 Canadian. I’ll mention that the slices are quite large! They’re not small slices of bread.

Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread two pack of loaves shown
Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread


The best before date listed on the sourdough bread from Costco is about eight days from the date we purchased it. I put it in my freezer right away and finds it freezes really well. You can use this bread from Costco for sandwiches or toast, it makes an amazing grilled cheese!

Sourdough bread is not easy to make and seems pretty intimidating for a novice baker. Therefore I prefer to buy my sourdough rather than make my own! Especially when it’s as cheap as the Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough.

Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread Nutrition Facts
Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread Nutrition Facts



Two slices of sourdough is 220 calories, two grams of fat, 40 grams of carbohydrates, two grams of fibre, two grams of sugar, seven grams of protein and 430 mg of sodium. I can eat one slice and be satisfied but would use two if I were making a sandwich.

Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread Ingredients
Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread Ingredients


This has all the ingredients I would expect to see in a sourdough bread.

Health Benefits of Sourdough Bread

Sourdough is a healthy alternative to whole wheat or white bread. It has a lower gluten-content and has less of a negative impact on blood sugar levels. It also is more nutritious because of it’s lower phytate content. Phytates basically make it harder for your body to absorb nutrients and white and whole wheat bread have higher levels of phytates. A lot of individuals find sourdough a lot easier to digest as well.


Taste: 8/10

Cost: 9/10

Convenience: 10/10

Nutrition: 7.5/10


Give it a try!

Some people don’t like the sourness or tang in sourdough bread but if you do, this sourdough from Costco is a great find!

Have you tried this bread? What did you think of it?

Please note that this review was not paid for or sponsored by any third party. This product was purchased by Costcuisine for the purpose of producing this review. The opinions in this review are strictly those of Costcuisine. Costcuisine is not affiliated with Costco or any of its suppliers. In the event that Costcuisine receives compensation for a post from the manufacturer of a product or some other third party, the arrangement will be clearly disclosed (including where the manufacturer of a product provides Costcuisine with a free sample of the product).

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8 thoughts on “Costco Vero Vero Heritage Sourdough Bread Review”

  1. This is my first time buying this sourdough bread. the taste is good but when I checked to see what vegetable was used, was very disappointed.
    These are very bad oils. And for people who have had breast cancer should never use soybean oi.
    So sad to say unless the oils are changed to healthy oils I cannot buy this bread again.

  2. Sorry to say, but this isn’t sourdough, and to label it heritage, is laughable.
    It contains commercial yeast. Sourdough should contain only flour, water, salt. What you’re tasting in here is sourdough spice probably, and the vinegar to give it that sour taste. Sourdough spice is starter that’s been baked (which now all the lactobasillica is killed which you need to ferment the dough), crushed and then added to the dough, so now the dough is not fermented. People with gut issues are misled with this label. If the bread is not fermented it can wreak havoc on them.

  3. Ascorbic acid? Acid is not meant to be ingested in any form. I have done years of research on introducing acids into the human diet. Like cow, sheep, and goat milk these should be avoided. There is a reason that people in some villages in Greece and Asia live into their 100s. They do not ingest these poisons. Humans should only drink human milk and unnatural acids should be avoided. The only acid that should ever be ingested is possibly natural citric, but even it is linked to esophageal cancers given the industrial process surrounding citrus so you are best off using fresh oranges.

    I also agree with Brenda’s comment. Only olive oils. I have also switched to olive oils from small farms rather than mass produces farms like those in Spain because they still process the olives naturally rather than by a mechanized process. Lubricating oils from machinery make their way into olives produced by large manufacturers in Italy/Spain/Greece. Best to buy from providers who can prove their oils are 100% local. It can be expensive but we’ve purchased such oils on our trips to Greece, California, Italy (especially Sicily).

  4. Attention Vero Vero

    I’m writing of my concern as to the use of Vegetable oil (Canola, Corn, Soybean, and/or Sunflower Oil) in your Heritage Sourdough bread. These seeds oils are extremely unhealthy as these seeds are processed with a petroleum-based solvent as well as chemicals to deodorize & and colour them. I would think that a Heritage Sourdough bread would use lard, olive oil or coconut oil. Now that I know the dangers of seed oils, I no longer purchase products that contain them.

    Thank you for taking the time to review my concern.



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