Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé Review

Costco shoppers are loving these decadent, irresistible Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflés!

Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé
Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé

We’re starting off the week right with a sweet review! Today I’m reviewing the Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé. As soon as I saw these at Costco I grabbed them to try because I’ve tried a few Delici products in the past and I always enjoy them. I also have an addiction to chocolate!

Firstly, I want to point something out, if you’ve had restaurant soufflé, the kind that you have to eat right away, that comes out super tall, fluffy and light as air. This is not like that. It’s more of a chocolate lava cake but it’s still 100% delicious.

Other similar products from Costco I’ve reviewed are the Costco Delici Artisan Bonbons, Costco Delici Sea Salt Caramel Mousse, Costco Delici Mini Patisserie Desserts, Costco Dessert Italiano Tiramisu and the Costco Dolce Mia Chocolate Dream Champagne Flutes.

Closeup image of a spoonful of Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé showing the melted molten chocolate center after heating.
There’s a yummy melted chocolate center!

Location in Store

You can find the soufflés in the refrigerated dessert section at Costco, near the fresh pasta and refrigerated appetizers. The item number is 1216789.

Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé served on a white plate with a dusting of icing sugar after heating.
Ready to enjoy!


After heating the soufflé in the oven it’s nice and warm in the middle even though I left it sitting for at least ten minutes before I started to eat it. My first impression of the soufflé is that it’s absolutely delicious! I had high hopes for it and it delivered. 

Closeup image of the top of a heated Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé with icing sugar dusted on top and on a white plate after heating.
A little dusting of icing sugar on top.

The soufflé has a rich dark chocolate flavor. It’s more rich than sweet, but it’s sweet enough that I’m confident it’ll satisfy almost all chocolate lovers out there even if they prefer milk chocolate. I sprinkled some icing sugar on my soufflé, but that was more for the visual aspect than to add sweetness.

Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé six soufflés in the plastic packaging sitting on a table, not heated.
Six soufflé in one pack.

The cake around the edges is most and pudding-like. The chocolate center is melted chocolate goodness and has the stronger dark chocolate flavor. The flavor of the chocolate center kind of dominates the soufflé, but that’s a good thing!

One Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé sitting on a table with the plastic lid on, not heated.
Each souflee comes with a plastic lid.


The package of six soufflés costs $12.99 Canadian. This isn’t bad considering how good they are and that they come in cute little red glass ramekins!

Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé heating instructions from packaging
Heating instructions.


There’s two different ways to heat the souflee, microwave or oven method. I decided to use the oven method, if you also decide to use the oven method, preheat the oven to 320 degrees Fahrenheit, remove the top plastic lid and place the soufflé on a baking tray in the canter of the oven for 10 minutes. Make sure you let it cool for about a minute before devouring it.

Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé product description from packaging.
I recommend serving the soufflé with ice cream or whipped cream.

The Costco chocolate soufflé needs to be kept refrigerated and the best before date listed is about a month from when we purchased them. The packaging does not recommend freezing the soufflé. I suggest serving them with whipped cream or ice cream. These would be perfect to serve to guests at a dinner party or to have after a nice family dinner at home. I bet kids will go crazy for these.

Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé nutrition facts label.
Nutrition Facts.



One Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Souflee is 420 calories, 26 grams of fat, 39 grams of carbohydrates, three grams of fibre, 32 grams of sugar, five grams of protein and 10 mg of sodium. I’m not surprised by how much calories, fat and sugar are in these after tasting how decadent they are! Although they look small, one is definitely enough to get rid of any sweet or chocolate cravings!

Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé ingredients label.


These are not gluten-free or dairy-free as they contain milk, eggs and wheat. They may contain soy, other cereals containing gluten, hazelnuts and pistachios. There are also no artificial ingredients or flavors added. None of the ingredients listed are healthy but chocolate soufflé isn’t really supposed to be a health food, it’s a delicious dessert.


Taste: 10/10

Cost: 8.5/10

Convenience: 9.5/10

Nutrition: 0/10


Must buy!

I love these soufflés and would absolutely buy them again. I’m looking forward to eating another one with vanilla ice cream!

Have you tried these? Do you love them too?

Please note that this review was not paid for or sponsored by any third party. This product was purchased by Costcuisine for the purpose of producing this review. The opinions in this review are strictly those of Costcuisine. Costcuisine is not affiliated with Costco or any of its suppliers. In the event that Costcuisine receives compensation for a post from the manufacturer of a product or some other third party, the arrangement will be clearly disclosed (including where the manufacturer of a product provides Costcuisine with a free sample of the product).

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10 thoughts on “Costco Delici Belgian Chocolate Soufflé Review”

  1. These are the most amazing things ever! I’ve only ever made them in the oven and never dared putting them in the microwave because it just doesn’t seem like it would be as good. In the oven the chocolate gets all gooey and amazing.
    I love them with some vanilla ice cream and fresh strawberries. Yummy!!!

  2. I tried my first one yesterday (a friend gave one to me) and I absolutely LOVED it and it’s the perfect size! BUTTTTTTT……you can’t get it anymore :'( Costco discontinued it. I’m so bummed. Googled anywhere else and unfortunately looks like you have to travel to Belgium for this product specifically.

  3. We found it needed to be baked/microwaved for a bit longer than the package said. E.g 45. Seconds in microwave produced much better results than 30 sec.


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